Input fields

Marketing Budget (optional)

OPTIONAL: Please enter your organisations annual marketing budget. This includes number of staff.

Marketing Cost

Please enter the number of full time marketing employees in your organisation.
Please enter the estimated hourly rate of your marketing employees.
Please enter the annual cost of media, production and material procurement.

Brand Assets

Please enter the total number of assets distributed on a yearly base.


Please enter the number of business card boxes ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number of ads ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number of banners ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number of printed matter consisting of only one page ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number of printed matter consisting of more than one page ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number online newsletters ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number micro sites ordered annually in your organisation.
Please enter the number social media posts your organisation produces annually.
ROI settings

Share your experience

Total savings 0.00

Planning And Budgeting 0.00

Savings generated by managing marketing budgets more effectively.
Potential to eliminate marketing inititatives by identifying ineffective legacy projects or those that don't align with overall marketing objectives. Savings in internal labour spend, agency fee spend and media, production and materials spend.
Savings resulting from an increase in internal staff utilization by improved activity and resource planning.
Savings in internal labour spend (specifically training) by reducing the impact of resources with specific knowledge leaving the organisation.

Brand Asset Management 0.00

Savings resulting from a reduction of asset search time.
Savings resulting from the elimination of asset re-creation. Savings in internal labour spend, agency fee spend and media, production and materials spend.
By maintaining an html version of your companies brand guidelines both employees and design agencies can generate brand manual guidelines taylored to their needs.
Savings resulting from replacing the storage and maintenance of digital assets by vendors by internal storage and maintenance using a Digital Asset Management system.
Savings resulting from the substition of physical asset distribution (using DVD, CD and postal services) by digital distribution.

Production Management 0.00

Savings resulting from the elimination of at least one review by both internal resources and agencies on all projects with corresponding decrease in management time.
Savings resulting from eliminating at least one round of revisions by both internal resources and agencies.
Savings resulting from using lower-skilled resources on standardized and (partly) automated project activities.
Savings resulting from the use of templates in the creation, approval and production of box of 250 business cards.
Savings resulting from the use of templates in the creation, production and publication of an ad.
Savings resulting from the use of templates in the creation and production of an online banner.
Savings resulting from the use of templates in the creation, approval and production of single page printed matter.
Savings resulting from the use of templates in the creation, approval and production of a multi page printed matter.
Savings resulting from the use of templates in the creation, approval and production of an online newsletter.
Savings resulting from the use of templates and content management in the creation and production of a micro website.
Savings resulting from using a system to automatically post to social media like Facebook and Twitter.

Marketing Procurement 0.00

Savings resulting from ordering marketing material using an online catalogue. Orders from multiple users can be aggregated inducing the seller to offer a quantity discount.
Savings resulting from inviting vendors to bid for the right to supply marketing material through offering the lowest price.
Total savings 0.00

ROI settings

Indicate the level of budget management applied in your marketing organisation during the vendor selection, briefing, creation and production phases.
Indicate the level of marketing initiatives aborted due to their being linked to legacy projects or failure to align with overall marketing objectives.
Indicate the internal staff utilization level in your marketing organisation.
Indicate the staff attrition level in your organisation.
Indicate the amount of time spend searching for marketing assets in your organisation.
Indicate the amount of your organisations marketing assets that are stored and maintained by vendors.
Indicate the amount of your organisations marketing assets that are re-created because the originals could not be found.
Indicate the amount of time your vendors spend producing brand guidelines.